Repeat Prescription Policy
Please be aware that we now have a repeat prescription policy in place in the clinic. This is to allow for safe and accurate prescribing for our patients.
To request a repeat prescription from Dr. Laura Clinic please email us at with the following information:
Name, address, DOB
Medicines requested
Name & health mail email address (if not previously supplied) of Pharmacy / Chemist you would like your prescription sent
Please ensure you allow adequate time to get your prescription. We kindly request that you allow at least 5 working days to get your prescription completed.
For this reason it is important to request your repeat prescription in advance of when your medication is due to finish. Last minute requests of prescriptions may not always be able to be facilitated.
The cost for a repeat prescription is €20 and an invoice will be sent directly to your email address for you to complete. Once payment is processed we will send your prescription directly to your chemist of choice.
Please be aware that at a minimum we need to schedule a review once a year to ensure patient safety and medicinal efficacy. It is best practice that every patient with continued medication is seen by Dr. Laura on an annual basis. This is to ensure Dr. Laura is aware of recent medical history, other possible medications you may be on, and potential drug interactions. If it has been more than a year since you have seen Dr. Laura, your repeat prescription will not be facilitated. If it has been more than one year since you have seen Dr. Laura, please make a review appointment online or give us a call at 0863425716.